The Best Gift I Can Give To My Family

Sometimes I beat myself up mentally.  I tell myself that I am not a good parent.  Or I interpret the stares of others to contain that judgement.  But what is the Truth?  Is the truth that, "if only I tried harder....If only I were a better...."?

The truth is that, just like you, I am doing my best in a very difficult situation with the resources that I have available at the time.  The truth is that "I am enough and I am doing enough."  Any time I spend, beating myself up with unreasonable expectations, is waisted time.  I no longer need to waist my life with that self-destructive behavior. 

The truth is that, any time I spend on being kind and gentle to myself is time well spent.  What can I do today to be kind and loving, to me?  When I first care for myself, I have similar kind and loving resources that I can share with my family. 

Just for today, I will take the time to remember what I found enjoyable before "autism".  Just for today, I will rediscover a new enjoyable activity.  What would I enjoy doing? 

Personally, I enjoy taking a walk in nature.  Just for today, that activity is my top priority.  I will look around me and notice the beauty of nature.  I will bar from my attention, any worry thoughts.  If they come to mind, I will toss them aside and refocus on the amazing beauty around me.  I can see it, and be grateful for it, if I treat myself with exercise and time alone.  What have I passed by many times and never taken time to pause and calm myself with it's wonder?  I will give myself that gift today.

What activity would you enjoy today?  Give yourself that gift and make it a priority. The most loving gift that I can give to my family, is to take the time to be loving, kind and gentle with myself. 

What enjoyable activity will you treat yourself with today?
 Let me know:


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