My Favorite Best Self Care Free Resource!

I have found a WONDERFUL FREE Self Care resource for you!!!  It is available worldwide.  I have been personally using it everyday.  WHAT A GIFT FOR PARENTS!!!  Run, do not walk, to the nearest Parents Meeting of Al-Anon in your area!   I have been attending multiple meetings every week for over a year.  It is the best resource I have found for Parents of Youth or Adults with Autism/Aspergers/ADHD/Mental Illness!

At those meetings I am learning how to cope with my sons and daughter's autism and mental illness, in ways that are quality of life enhancing for all concerned.  My children with autism are now ages 17, 19 and 21 years old.  Practicing this program has improved the lives of my entire family.

The Al-Anon Literature is very applicable, if you just substitute the word "Autism, Aspergers,ADHD or Mental Illness" for Alcohol or Alcoholic.   This substitution opens up a treasure trove of valuable coping strategies regarding the behaviors of another person that are extremely challenging.

I invite you to join me on this journey!  I'm learning how to enjoy life and live each day to the fullest!

With much love,

To locate an Al-Anon Meeting in your area, just look on the Web!  Search for Al-Anon.  

Or go to
Literature is also available in many languages.   


We are struggling with all of the above -- Asperger's ADHD -- with not one, but two adolescents. Definitely have to check this out because we're in desperate need of some self care.
Nikki said…
I am so glad I put this post in my reading list to read later. I work with kids with ADHD, Asperger's and Autism as a Counselor Resideny in Virginia Beach. Self-Cate Resources are so important. I recently wrote a blog post for parents on the topic. So glad to have somewhere to direct people!
Unknown said…
I am so relieved that I am not alone. I have been attending EA (Emotions Anonymous) which helps with managing the intense emotions that arise when dealing with my 24 year old son on the autism spectrum. He is also mentally ill and exhibits extreme anger mostly directed at me! My heart is broken and I'm heading into another serious burnout! I will find an Al-Anon parent meeting to go to. Thank-you so much for your blog and great suggestions! I need to take time for myself and take care of myself, otherwise I (we) are unable to help our son!
Thank you so much for your comment! You are not alone! We are all in this together!
Much love,

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